Within the next few weeks it will be time to put the summer fun away and get back to rolling along with giving the best coverage of McPherson Area High School Sports!!
Within a few weeks all our fall sports preview questionaires will be sent out and hopefully being returned in short times.
Within a few weeks you will begin to see the fall season previews for all six area schools and their programs/activities.
A few big changes as well, we are going with a new website - macks-people-places.com, plus a new email address - macks.people.places@gmail.com.
The third huge change, will come due to our need to cover the costs of business in running the website and all that goes with it.
This means we will be charging a minimal amount for subscription reading to have access to all our postings for the six McPherson County area high schools and their athletic events plus.
The Plan is to offer short term of 2 months for $8 ($4/month) - mid term of 4 months for $14 ($3.50/month) - long term of 12 months for $36 ($3/month).
Notice that the cost of each of these levels of subscriptions are less than a cup of coffee per month at any of the area coffee shops!
We were not overly happy in having to do the subscription thing, but we need to pay the writer and expenses, and google ads were not getting the job done.
William for CrossDove Writers & macks-people-places.com