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NOTE FROM US - We will Recover!!

By Staff

Due to some health issues over the past five days and a single day surgical procedure scheduled for Wednesday, the normal steady reporting of McPherson County area high school activities through the website has faltered a bit and we are sorry.

Unfortunately, when running with a short staff, this can and did happen. The severity and quickness for which this health issue progressed has surprised many of us, especially this journalist.

Any coverage we have missed over the weekend and the first three to four days this week will be dealt with and reported soon.

Please know it was not intentional and that we are hoping the procedure goes well on Wednesday with the hopes that by Friday afternoon at the latest we will be back at our computer pounding the keyboard and reporting the activities we have missed.

Again – our sincerest apology for the lapse of coverage having happened, but with the health issue it is has been extremely hard to stay busy without getting tired out, long enough to get everything covered like we want to do and in the manner which we expect and want to share the as well.

See you again on Thursday evening or Friday with our fingers pounding out the keyboard to give you all the coverage you expect from us as well as all the stats available that we can gather for which we are known to give our readers (stats and names, the old-fashioned way of coverage).

Thanx for your patience, it is much appreciated.

The Staff of

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