These are the daily Fire Log Reports as reported by the McPherson County Fire Departments and/or the Daily Log Sheet from McPherson Emergency Communications for the week of August 7 to August 13, 2023.
McPherson Fire & EMS Departments = 63 total calls.
Canton Fire & EMS Departments = 11 total calls.
Conway Fire Department = 0 calls.
Galva Fire Department = 0 calls.
Inman Fire Department = 8 total calls.
Lindsborg Fire & EMS Departments = 4 total calls.
Marquette Fire & EMS Departments = 8 total calls.
Moundridge Fire & EMS Departments = 6 total calls.
Roxbury Fire Department = 0 call.
Windom Fire Department = 0 calls.
(16 calls total)
Canton Fire Rescue and EMS plus McPherson EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along 27th Avenue in eastern McPherson County near Canton (Subject with a Hemorrhage and Not Alert/Possible Cardiac Arrest – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (8:44 pm).
Inman Fire Rescue plus McPherson EMS responded to an INTERFACILITY TRANSFER ASSIST REQUEST along N. Walnut Street in Inman (Subject Transferred to Hospital) (1:17 pm).
Inman Fire Rescue plus McPherson EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along 6th Avenue in southwestern McPherson County (Subject with a Possible Traumatic Injury to Possible Dangerous Body Area – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (2:29 pm).
Inman Fire Rescue plus McPherson EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along E. Center Street in Inman (Subject with Fainting Episodes – No Transfer Made) (7:36 pm).
Lindsborg EMS plus Lindsborg Police responded to a POSSIBLE MEDICAL EMERGENCY/OFFICER ASSIST REQUEST along S. Pine Street in Lindsborg (12:30 am).
McPherson Fire Rescue and EMS plus County Sheriff and McPherson Police responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along Glendale Road in McPherson (Subject Threatening Suicide/Possible Attempted Suicide) (1:51 am).
McPherson Fire and EMS responded to ROAD/UTILITY WORK ASSIST REQUEST at the Intersection of Mohawk Road and 13th Avenue in McPherson County (8:34 am).
McPherson Fire plus McPherson Police responded to a FIRE CALL at the Intersection of N. Elm Street and E. Woodside Street in McPherson (12:19 pm).
McPherson Fire plus McPherson Police responded to a FIRE CALL for an ILLEGAL BURN along the 500 block of N. Elm Street in McPherson (12:41 pm).
McPherson EMS plus Inman Fire Rescue responded to an INTERFACILITY TRANSFER ASSIST REQUEST along N. Walnut Street in Inman (Subject Transferred to Hospital) (1:17 pm).
McPherson EMS plus Inman Fire Rescue responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along 6th Avenue in southwestern McPherson County (Subject with a Possible Traumatic Injury to Possible Dangerous Body Area – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (2:29 pm).
McPherson EMS plus Inman Fire Rescue responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along E. Center Street in Inman (Subject with Fainting Episodes – No Transfer Made) (7:36 pm).
McPherson EMS plus Canton Fire Rescue and EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along 27th Avenue in eastern McPherson County near Canton (Subject with a Hemorrhage and Not Alert/Possible Cardiac Arrest – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (8:44 pm).
(15 calls total)
Canton EMS plus Canton Police responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along S. Kansas Avenue in Canton (Subject Transferred to Hospital) (3:14 pm).
Lindsborg EMS responded to a PATIENT TRANSFER ASSIST REQUEST along W. Lincoln Street in Lindsborg (Subject Transferred to another Hospital) (9:24 pm).
Marquette Fire Rescue and EMS plus Marquette Police and County Sheriff responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along N. Swedonia Street in Marquette (Subject with Possible Overdose/Poisoning – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (7:21 pm).
McPherson EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along Arcadian Court in McPherson (Subject Sick with No Priority Symptoms – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (2:49 am).
McPherson Fire Rescue and EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along N. Maple Street in McPherson (Subject with Fainting Episodes – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (11:41 am).
McPherson Fire Rescue and EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along N. Main Street in McPherson (Subject with Breathing Problems – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (12:45 pm).
McPherson EMS responded to an INTERFACILITY TRANSFER ASSIST REQUEST along N. Walnut Street in Inman (Subject Transferred to Hospital) (1:02 pm).
McPherson Fire and EMS plus McPherson Police responded to a FIRE CALL at the Intersection of E. Northview Road and Sonora Drive in McPherson (2:02 pm).
McPherson EMS plus McPherson Police responded to a POSSIBLE MEDICAL EMERGENCY/OFFICER ASSIST REQUST along S. Ash Street in McPherson (Subject with Possible Domestic Disturbance/Violence) (5:41 pm).
McPherson EMS responded to a PATIENT TRANSFER ASSIST REQUEST along the 1000 block of N. Hospital Drive in McPherson (Subject Transferred to another Hospital) (6:35 pm).
McPherson EMS responded to a PATIENT TRANSFER ASSIST REQUEST along the 1000 block of N. Hospital Drive in McPherson (Subject Transferred to another Hospital) (9:37 pm).
(20 calls total)
Canton Fire and EMS plus Canton Polic responded to a MEDICAL CALL along W. McPherson Street in Canton (9:48 pm).
Inman Fire Rescue plus McPherson EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along N. Walnut Street in Inman (Subject with a Fall – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (9:24 pm).
Marquette Fire Rescue and EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along Venango Circle in Marquette (Subject Possible Unconscious – Subject Refused Services) (2:27 pm).
McPherson Fire responded to an AUTOMATIC COMMERCIAL FIRE ALARM with POSSIBLE HIGH LIFE HAZARDS along N. Elm Street in McPherson (5:00 am).
McPherson Fire responded to a FIRE CALL along S. Hartup Street in McPherson (6:48 am).
McPherson EMS responded to a PATIENT TRANSFER ASSIST REQUEST along the 1000 block of N. Hospital Drive in McPherson (Subject Transferred to another Hospital) (8:41 am).
McPherson EMS responded to an INTERFACILITY TRANSFER ASSIST REQUEST along N. Main Street in McPherson (Subject Transferred to Hospital) (10:31 am).
McPherson Fire Rescue and EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along the 2200 block of E. Kansas Avenue in McPherson (Subject Sick with No Priority Symptoms – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (10:48 am).
McPherson EMS plus Moundridge EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along W. Maple Street in Moundridge (Subject with a Possible Stroke – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (4:21 pm).
McPherson Fire and EMS plus McPherson Police and Koehn’s Body Shop Towing responded to a MOTOR VHIECLE INCIDENT with POSSIBLE INJURIES along the 800 block of S. Old Highway 81 Bypass in McPherson (5:13 pm).
McPherson Fire and EMS plus McPherson Police and Koehn’s Body Shop Towing responded to a POSSIBLE VEHICLE FIRE at the Intersection of E. 1st Street and N. Main Street in McPherson (5:41 pm).
McPherson EMS plus Inman Fire Rescue responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along N. Walnut Street in Inman (Subject with a Fall – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (9:24 pm).
Moundridge EMS plus Moundridge Police and County Sheriff responded to a POSSIBLE MEDICAL EMERGENCY along N. Koehn Avenue in Moundridge (Subject Threatening Suicide/Possible Attempted Suicide – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (7:35 am).
Moundridge EMS responded to an OUTSIDE AGENCY STANDBY REQUEST along northbound I-135 in McPherson County (10:55 am).
Moundridge EMS plus McPherson EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along W. Maple Street in Moundridge (Subject with Possible Stroke – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (4:21 pm).
( 23 calls total)
Canton Fire and EMS responded to a ROAD/UTILITY WORK ASSIST REQUEST at the Intersection of N. Walnut Street and W. Woodside Street in McPherson (5:55 am).
Canton Fire and EMS plus Canton Police, County Sheriff and Koehn’s Body Shop Towing responded to a MOTOR VEHICLE INCIDENT with POSSIBLE INJURIES at the Intersection of 27th Avenue and Highway 56 in eastern McPherson County near Canton (7:30 am).
Inman Fire Rescue plus McPherson EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along Friesen Street in Inman (Subject with Breathing Problems – Subject Refused Services) (6:50 pm).
Inman Fire Rescue plus McPherson EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along N. Walnut Street in Inman (Subject with a Fall – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (9:16 pm).
Inman Fire responded to a FIRE CALL – INVESTIGATION of OUTSIDE LIGHT SMOKE/SMOKE ODOR along Arapaho Road in southern McPherson County (10:06 pm).
McPherson Fire Rescue and EMS plus McPherson Police responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along the 1100 block of Bridger Court in McPherson (Subject Possible Unconscious – Subject Refused Services) (2:20 am).
McPherson Fire plus McPherson Police responded to a FIRE CALL along E. Kansas Avenue in McPherson (11:13 am).
McPherson Fire Rescue and EMS plus McPherson Police responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along Genesis Drive in McPherson (Subject with Unknown Problem/Life Status May be Questionable – Subject Refused Services) (11:25 am).
McPherson Fire and EMS responded to a POSSIBLE OUTSIDE LARGE/ELEVATD STRUCTURE FIRE along W. Woodside Street in McPherson (1:40 pm).
McPherson EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along N. Grimes Street in McPherson (Subject Sick with No Priority Symptoms – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (4:02 pm).
McPherson Fire Rescue and EMS plus McPherson Police responded to a POSSIBLE MEDICAL EMERGENCY along N. Baer Street in McPherson (Subject Threatening Suicide/Possible Attempted Suicide) (4:26 pm).
McPherson EMS plus McPherson Police and County Sheriff responded to an EVENT STANDBY ASSIST REQUEST along E. Kansas Avenue in McPherson (5:05 pm).
McPherson EMS responded to an INTERFACILITY TRANSFER ASSIST REQUEST along N. Walnut Street in Inman (Subject Transferred to Hospital) (5:39 pm).
McPherson EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along S. Cottonwood Street in McPherson (Subject with a Fall or in Possible Need of Public Assist – Subject Refused Services) (6:13 pm).
McPherson EMS plus McPherson Police responded to an OFFICER ASSIST REQUEST – POSSIBLE MEDICAL EMERGENCY along N. Lakeside Drive in McPherson (6:29 pm).
McPherson EMS plus Inman Fire Rescue responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along Friesen Street in Inman (Subject with Breathing Problems – Subject Refused Services) (6:50 pm).
McPherson EMS plus Inman Fire Rescue responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along N. Walnut Street in Inman (Subject Transferred to Hospital) (9:16 pm).
(7 calls total)
Canton EMS plus McPherson EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along N. 4th Street in Canton (Subject Transferred to Hospital) (2:34 pm).
McPherson Fire plus McPherson Police responded to a FIRE CALL – CODE ENFORCEMENT along the 2000 block of E. Kansas Avenue in McPherson (11:02 am).
McPherson EMS responded to an INTERFACILITY TRANSFER ASSIST REQUEST along N. Walnut Street in Inman (Subject Transferred to Hospital) (12:05 pm).
McPherson EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along W. 1st Street in McPherson (Subject with Possible Seizure – Subject Refused Services) (1:06 pm).
McPherson EMS plus Canton EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along N. 4th Street in Canton (Subject Transferred to Hospital) (2:34 pm).
McPherson EMS plus McPherson Police responded to an OFFICER ASSIST REQUEST at the Intersection of E. Avenue A and S. Maxwell Street in McPherson (4:14 pm).
McPherson EMS plus McPherson Police responded to a POSSIBLE MEDICAL EMERGENCY along E. Kansas Avenue in McPherson (Possible Vulnerable Subject Locked in Vehicle) (5:55 pm).
(9 calls total)
Canton EMS responded to an EVENT STANDBY ASSIST REQUEST along 27th Avenue in McPherson County near Canton (7:43 am).
Lindsborg EMS plus County Sheriff, Lindsborg Police and both Marquette Fire and EMS responded to a MOTOR VEHICLE INCIDENT with INJURIES along Highway K-4 in northwest McPherson County near Marquette (Subject Transferred to Hospital) (8:08 pm).
Marquette EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along N. Jefferson Street in Marquette (Subject with a Fall or in Possible Need of Public Assist – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (10:26 am).
Marquette Fire responded to a FIRE SERVIC CALL along S. Central Street in Marquette (11:05 am).
Marquette Fire and EMS plus County Sheriff, Lindsborg Police and Lindsborg EMS responded to a MOTOR VEHICLE INCIDETN with INJURIES along Highway K-4 in northwest McPherson County near Marquette (Subject Transferred to Hospital) (8:08 pm).
McPherson EMS plus Country Sheriff responded to a possible MEDICAL EMERGENCY/OFFICER ASSIST REQUEST along E. Northview Road in McPherson (Subject involved in Possible Robbery/Carjacking) (5:12 am).
Moundridge EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along Iris Village in Moundridge (Subject with Chest Pain/Discomfort – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (9:06 am).
Moundridge EMS plus Moundridge Police responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along Tall Grass Circle in Moundridge (Subject with a Fall – Subject Transferred to Hospital) 97:54 pm).
(10 calls total)
Inman Fire Rescue plus McPherson EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along W. Stan Street in Inman (Subject Sick with Altered/Abnormal Breathing – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (7:25 pm).
Lindsborg EMS plus Lindsborg Police responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along Emerald Drive in Lindsborg (Diabetic Subject – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (4:04 pm).
McPherson EMS responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along N. Main Street in McPherson (Subject with a Fall – Subject Refused Services) (10:31 am).
McPherson EMS responded to an INTERFACILITY TRANSFER ASSIST REQUST along N. Walnut Street in Inman (Subject Transferred to Hospital) (1:59 pm).
McPherson EMS responded to an INTERFACILITY TRANSFER ASSIST REQUEST along N. Walnut Street in Inman (Subject Transferred to Hospital) (2:25 pm).
McPherson Fire and EMS plus McPherson Police and Auto House Towing responded to a MOTOR VEHICLE INCIDENT with POSSIBLE INJURIES at the Intersection of N. Maxwell Street and E. Kansas Avenue in McPherson (Subject Transferred to Hospital) (2:52 pm).
McPherson EMS plus McPherson Police and County Sheriff responded to a MOTOR VEHICLE INCIDENT with POSSIBLE INJUIRIES at the Intersection of E. 1st Street and N. Centennial Drive in McPherson (4:23 pm).
McPherson EMS plus Inman Fire Rescue responded to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY along W. Stan Street in Inman (Subject Sic with Altered/Abnormal Breathing – Subject Transferred to Hospital) (7:25 pm).
Moundridge EMS plus County Sheriff responded to a MOTOR VEHICLE INCIDENT with POSSIBLE INJURIES along Southbound I-135 near Mile Marker 46 in McPherson County (Subject Transferred to Hospital) (1:48 am).
(The Staff covering McPherson County Activities can be reached by email at
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